Old Tilean Federation was created to support organized play for Warhammer: The Old World.
Through the Old Tilean circuit, you can participate in and organize Old World tournaments easily, with a unified standard across Italy.
To do so, you can use this portal which provides the following tools offered by the web application developed by Andrea B. Sferrazza.
The application provides various free services, including:
The application is continuously evolving, and new features will be added over time.
The "Ranking" is a number associated with each player registered in the system, and this number aims to represent the player's skill based on their in-game experience. The "Ranking" is calculated using the "ELO" system invented by Professor Arpad Emrick Elo. The ELO system uses an estimate of the players' performance, updating their score after each match, while taking into account the opponent's score. If a player wins more matches than expected, their score increases; if they win fewer, their score decreases.
The system compares the respective players' scores for a given match to calculate the "Expected Result." If the actual result of the match matches the "Expected Result," the players' rankings are unchanged. However, if one of the players exceeds the "Expected Result," their ranking will increase, and the opponent’s ranking will decrease, by the difference between the actual result and the expected result, multiplied by a coefficient chosen by the competition organizers.
Carlo has a ranking of 1500 and plays against Giovanni, who has a ranking of 1600.
[The coefficient for ranking variation used in the OTF ranking system is 32 for single-player tournaments and 16 for team tournaments.]
The expected result for Giovanni in this match is 0.65 (0 means 0-20, 0.5 means 10-10, 1 means 20-0), so the expected score for Giovanni is 13-7 (0.65 multiplied by 20).
If the match ends 13-7 for Giovanni, the difference between the expected result and the actual result is zero, so no variation will occur for either player.
If the match ends 20-0 for Giovanni, the difference is 1 - 0.65 = 0.35. Therefore, the variation will be 0.35 * 32 = 11 points for Giovanni (positive) and -11 points for Carlo (negative).
If the match ends 20-0 for Carlo, the difference is 0 - 0.65 = -0.65. Therefore, the variation will be 0.65 * 32 = 21 points for Carlo (negative) and +21 points for Giovanni (positive).
The mathematical details of the system can be found on the following page.
Register in the Players Area
A user registered in the ranking can:
To request organizer status, you must be registered in the ranking and logged in.
After submitting the form, you will need to wait for the approval of your request to unlock the organizer status.
An organizer can:
In the tournaments of the Old Tilean Federation circuit, the following FAQs are in effect:
Official GW FAQ: Warhammer Community FAQs
Community FAQ: Available for download in the "Resources and Downloads" section of the website.
To create the page of your club, you will need to be logged in with an account that has organizer status.
You will then be able to modify the created club later by using the "Edit Club" button.
The tournament will need to be approved.
Once approved, the tournament will be open for registrations.
Now, the buttons to manage pairings and enter results will be available.
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